
Developmental Play is like a pyramid where each level builds on an earlier one. Ensuring that each level is solid for a child, which may involve going back to rebuild it, is the key to the success of this approach. 

Developmental Play in animation

Watch our video animation to learn how children play developmentally, then you will be ready to impact adults and children in your community
  • Watch, Learn.
  • Play. Impact.
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Our Courses

free resources, short courses, books and certified Developmental Play Practitioner (CDPP) training.


Global experts







Mothers of Light

We started the Developmental Play program out of our passion to help children across the world. This is the story of our work in rural India at the Deepti Centre.

You too can change your community by using Developmental Play
Write your awesome label here.

There are lots of ways to learn about the power of play 

Free resources 

Check out our 30 stay at home games. created during the pandemic with in 12 different languages.

Short courses 

Explore our courses on different aspects of play and be inspired by how play works.

Train as a Certified Developmental Play Practitioner (CDPP)

Become part of our global mission to support children through the power of play and do our accredited 100 hour certificate in Developmental Play. Run in three parts- Foundation, Applied and Advanced, you will meet the founders in the PlayZoom and have a creative play filled journey and you study best global practice in play.

Sign up as an organization 

We offer tailor made online courses for schools, clinics and child- care organizations.

What our learners say about us

The best thing I have gained from this course is to unlearn what I currently do in my sessions and to trust the process of play which is more expanded here in Create Catt. There have been so many frustrations and questions experienced by me as an OT when I feel like I cannot meet my child and make them progress as planned but through in depth mentoring with Ms. Caroline Essame and the framework of Dev Play, I have had my "wow and aha" moments in my children in spontaneity.
 ​" I've been working as a clinician for 5 years but only after I started my Developmental Play training do I feel like I'm doing something for my profession- I feel reborn because of Developmental Play"
Danielle Fatima Collantes
Occupational Therapist
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Frequently asked questions

What courses will I take?

We recommend you start with an introductory course to explore why play matters and how it works. Read our book and do a short course to get a feel of how we work and then if you like our methodology then our CDPP training could be for you. 

What can CreateCATT offer that I cannot get at other online schools?

Our academy helps you learn from the best play practitioners globally. We make our courses peronalised, fun and highly playful. If you do our full certificate you will get to know the founders in our PlayZoom and become part of a global play community that is built on play based relationships. 

Are there other ways of delivery?

We offer blended learning opportunities, some courses are independent learning, some include live webinars and in the Philippines, Singapore and the UK we deliver face to face workshops. Check out our website for more information. 

I want to book a course for my organization, how do I do this?

We are able to offer all our courses and resources as tailor made workshops for individual organizations, online, blended and face to face. Just drop us a line through the contact us tab and let us know what you need and we can set it up for you.

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